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Auto Accessories Guide

Auto Accessories 101 - Advantages of the VersaTrac® Mounting System

< Back to Auto Accessories Guide

1. Materials and Finishes

2. Truck Cab Guide

3. Bull Bars vs. Grille Guards

4. Side Bars vs. Running Boards

5. Advantages of a Track Mounting System

6. Rocker Mount vs. Bushing Mount

7. Jeep Customization Guide


Advantages of the VersaTrac® Mounting System

ARIES offers a number of side accessories that use a track mounting system, allowing for easier inventory requirements and adjustable positioning on the vehicle. However, the new ARIES VersaTrac® mounting system takes the concept of the track mounting system to the next level

The VersaTrac® mounting system uses a single set of vehicle-specific brackets to allow a variety of side bar and running board options to be installed or swapped out whenever desired. This applies not only to different finishes within a single product line but also to different product lines across the entire ARIES offering. Every running board or side bar equipped with the VersaTrac® mounting system can use the exact same set of vehicle-specific mounting brackets.

The VersaTrac® mounting system saves time and money for the consumer, as well as time and inventory space for the dealer. It eliminates the need to purchase and install an entirely new set of mounting brackets with each new side accessory. The mounting brackets are available for purchase as a stand-alone item or as part of a complete kit with compatible side bars and running boards.

Currently, ARIES AdvantEDGE® side bars and RidgeStep® running boards are VersaTrac®-equipped. However, as more products are developed within the ARIES line, more will feature our VersaTrac® mounting system, providing broader choices and customization options for our customers.

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