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Auto Accessories Guide

Auto Accessories 101 - Rocker Mount vs. Bushing Mount

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1. Materials and Finishes

2. Truck Cab Guide

3. Bull Bars vs. Grille Guards

4. Side Bars vs. Running Boards

5. Advantages of a Track Mounting System

6. Rocker Mount vs. Bushing Mount

7. Jeep Customization Guide


Rocker Mount vs. Bushing Mount

All ARIES side bars and running boards mount using vehicle-specific brackets. This allows for easier and more secure installation. In addition to a vehicle-specific fit, there are two types of side bar / running board installations: rocker mount and bushing mount.


/ Rocker mount

A rocker mount, also called a rocker panel mount, uses the vehicle's rocker panel to attach the mounting brackets. This may be done using pre-existing welded bolts on the vehicle, clip nuts or other fasteners.

In general, side bars with 45° bent ends install using the rocker mount method.


View an example install video



/ Bushing mount

A bushing mount, on the other hand, attaches the mounting brackets to the vehicle using a set of pre-existing bolts on the vehicle, called bushing bolts. These bolts are installed on the vehicle by the manufacturer and serve to anchor the body to the chassis.

When installing side bars or running boards, these bushing bolts can be removed and reinstalled to hold the mounting brackets. A bushing mount is typically used for side bars with 90° bent ends.


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